S.A.F.E. After School Program

Etna Elementary School is pleased to be able to provide an after school program for our students. Our S.A.F.E. (Siskiyou After School for Everyone) Program provides a structured, safe, and supervised place for after school learning, fun and friendship. Our program begins immediately after the regular school day and runs until 5:30p.m. It is free to all students. Students from kindergarten through fifth grade are welcome.

We offer a nutritious snack, homework time, and a variety of enrichment activities including chess, art, foods, and sports. Please feel free to call at anytime with questions.


Site Coordinator: Holly Cousineau
Phone: (530) 598-1261
Email: hcousineau@svusd.us

Would you like to know what is happening at our S.A.F.E. program?  Here are links to the daily schedule and monthly newsletter:

Daily Schedule                        March Newsletter