Fort Jones Elementary Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

President: Beck Wear
Vice President: OPEN
Secretary: OPEN
Treasurer: Jaime Dowling

Meeting Days: First Monday of each month
3:00 PM at the small ball field

The PTO is a major support group for Fort Jones Elementary
staff & students. Through several fundraising efforts, the PTO
provides monetary support in areas like classroom supplies,
equipment, & student sponsorships. The PTO supplements student-based
community learning by recognizing our Veterans in the Annual Veteran’s
Day Service Luncheon. Their assistance plays an important roll in filling
budget gaps that California schools are facing.

PTO always welcomes new members and you will find that you can
support the group in a number of ways. If you are interested in
investing your efforts in Fort Jones Elementary PTO, please
contact President Becky Wear at or discuss your
interest with secretary Nicole Stacher by calling 468-2412.