Scott Valley Unified School District Attendance Policy:
Students are expected to attend school every day. Absences for the following reasons are considered excused absences by the State and are not considered truant:
a. Illiness
b. Funeral services
c. Doctor/dentist/counseling appointments (requires dr. note upon return)
d. Medically required quarantine
e. Immunization - limit of 5 days
f. Appearnace in court or observance of a religious holiday
Absences due to any other reason are considered unexcused by the State and our District. Please see the District's Policy on Truancy for further information.
Parents/Guardians must call the Scott Valley Junior High School office 530-468-5565 to report student absences.
A note is required upon the student's return to school, explaining the reason for the absence.
Absences of 5 or more consecutive days require a doctor's note allowing the student to return to school.
Policy for Early Dismissal/Late Arrival to School:
Please note that any time your student has early dismissal or late arrival to school due Doctor's appointment will require a doctor's note or appointment slip upon their return in order for the absence to be excused. Thank you for your kind attention on this matter.
Field Trips
Students must be in attendance at school the entire day or the day before a field trip to participate. The student must participate fully in PE to be eligible to attend. With prior approval from the principal, exceptions are: doctor appointment, religious observances, bereavement, and independent study. All school rules related to clothing and behavior apply at all field trips.
Graduation and 8th Grade Dance/Party
In order to participate in the 8th grade graduation and dance, students must meet promotion requirements and the behavior requirements. Students who meet the graduation requirements and who have no more than 1 referral during the 4 th quarter, no more than seven total referrals and no more than one suspension during the school year will be invited to take part in the 8th grade graduation ceremony and dance.
Students who meet all other graduation requirements but do not meet the behavior requirements will still be promoted to 9th grade and will be allowed to graduate, but not allowed to attend the 8th grade dance.
8th Grade Trip
The biggest indicator of student success is regular attendance in school. It's a fact that students, who attend school regularly, learn more and are more successful than students who do not. Parents who make regular school attendance a priority are also helping their children learn to accept responsibility. In order to participate in the 8th grade trip students must have at least 90% attendance during the school year and be enrolled in SVJH regular ed program for 3 of the 4 quarters. They may have no more than 18 days of excused or unexcused absences in order to participate as well as NO referrals during the 4th quarter. Students who meet promotion requirements , attendance requirements and the behavior requirements (see above) are invited to participate in the 8th grade trip.