Common Core Standards
The Scott Valley Unified School District’s implementation plan of the Common Core State Standards includes three major phases for full implementation of the CCSS, which is expected in 2014-15.
Phase I: Awareness. (2012-2013) During this phase, SVUSD provided a general introduction to the CCSS for teachers and administrators. Many teachers participated in professional development workshops regarding implementation of the CCSS. Students within our district took part in a pilot test of the CCSS.
Phase II: Transition. (2013-2014) During this phase, SVUSD will continue to provide professional learning opportunities around the CCSS. In addition, a whole-district collaborative effort will take place in which teachers, administrators, and support staff will work to together to ensure that our district is ready for full implementation of the CCSS by 2014/2015. These efforts will include: aligning existing and new curriculum with CCSS, recreating pacing guides, benchmarks, benchmark assessments, and report cards, all to be aligned with the new CCSS.
Phase III: Implementation. (2014-2015) During this phase, SVUSD will implement a curriculum that is fully aligned with the new CCSS. The curriculum will be supported with revised benchmark assessments, other instructional tools, and assessments. SVUSD will also continue to provide professional development for teachers and support staff regarding CCSS curriculum, instruction, and assessment.