Maintenance & Operations

The Maintenance and Operations Department is responsible for the repair and maintenance of all six school locations in the Scott Valley USD.  The department includes district wide services in custodial, grounds, integrated pest management, painting and basic services in construction, electrical, plumbing, welding, and locksmith.

Each of our four larger schools have a dedicated Lead Maintenance/Custodian who is responsible for working with the principal regarding the day to day needs of the facility.  Leads work with our Superintendent, who serves as the Maintenance and Operations Director regarding project specific needs at their school sites.  Our Chief Business Official is responsible for taking care of DIR, insurance and the bid process.

Micheline Miglis

Maintenance and Operations Director
Scott Valley Unified School District

Russell Sweet
Chief Business Official
Scott Valley Unified School District

Justin Neely
Crew Leader II - Etna area

Quiad Blancard
Crew Leader I - Fort Jones area